Freelancer: adrieng
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Adrien // •1

Hello, I'm Adrien. You will find enclosed my creative design, What do you think of it ? Please, don't hesitate to contact me, Adrien

Konkurrenceindlæg #2 for                                                 Create mockups: Improve the look of our web application

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • adrieng
    • 7 år siden

    Hello Samuel, Thanks for your feedback. I'll change the font.

    • 7 år siden
  • knipknap
    • 7 år siden

    Hi Adrien, Thanks for this entry! While it looks good, I feel that the font and design language is a bit too playful for the purpose of a financial planner. It's a cool concept though! -Samuel

    • 7 år siden