Freelancer: FakhriBaha
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Editable Quarterly & Annual Report

Hello Sir. I've produced charts for your flight data in order to present it clearly and in a simple way. Those charts are generated automatically from the data provided. In the Raw Data tab, I copied all of your data and fit into tables. Those tables are included with formulas to automatically sum up, differentiate all of the cost and revenue. You can edit the data with ease and the charts will be instantly updated as well. The data can be represented in other graphical ways. You can see the actual file by clicking the link provided below: Should you like me to customize something, please leave comment in the comment section. I hope that this suits your requirement. Don't forget to rate please. Looking forward to hear from your. Regards, Fakhri

Konkurrenceindlæg #8 for                                                 Create a custom editable Quarterly & Annual report.

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