Freelancer: vigszabolcs
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Card versions

Hello! Well, I started with the card to estmiate your needs and style. If one of these is good, I'm gonna make the rest, if they're not, then any suggestion is wellcomed, and I try something else. Thank you!

Konkurrenceindlæg #1 for                                                 Corporate Image - Online Job Board

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  • vigszabolcs
    • 8 år siden

    Well, the mixed colour on one side, with the white symbol may works, I'm gonna make a version of it. I could make the data smaller, but I don't suggest it. It is the last "good readable" font size, I know it well because I use the same size. But of course, we can try it, that's why I'm here. :) And the corner alignment is a good idea, I had it in my mind, and planned to make it, so our thoughts are the same in some ways :) I'm bringing the new versions soon. Best regards!

    • 8 år siden
  • ivanespinosaf
    • 8 år siden

    Hi vigszabolcs, thanks a lot for your interest, I´d like to see a mixed option, I think maybe in one side half part in blue, half part in green, horizontally, with the logo in the middle, and in the other side, data, like in the first example, maybe a little bit smaller, and also in the lower right corner, how do you think?

    • 8 år siden