5 Important Questions Every Employer Should Ask to Get the Best Freelancer

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“If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will take you there,” said the Cheshire Cat snarkily to the confused and lost  Alice in Alice in Wonderland.


Perhaps something similar could be said to employers like you looking for the perfect freelancer on Freelancer.com -- if you don’t know who you’re looking for, then any freelancer will do.

Of course, not just any freelancer will do. You need the best freelancer who can deliver the job really well. (Sometimes, you’d be even willing to fork out a bit more, just to match with the best freelance professional.)

Think of it as dating: the extra effort to lay out what you want makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. Do you want someone who communicates well? Who does things just at the right time? Who’s willing to go the extra mile to give you the best?

Ultimately, it all goes back to you assessing your needs properly.

Asking these five necessary questions before even posting your first project is key to filtering the millions of skilled professionals out there, and finding the one that’s suited perfectly for you:

  1. What is the purpose of the project? What problem does this project solve? Provide a coherent background on why the project is being done. A one-sentence description should easily encapsulate this. This should serve as the summary of the project that will immediately help freelancers assess the feasibility of your other requirements.
  2. What is the goal of the project? Look forward: what do you aim to accomplish at the end of this project? Is it a mobile app meant to aggregate information about certain products or services? Is it a visual rebrand of your business? Is it a website redesign? Be concise about what you want to happen.
  3. What are your project milestones? You can, of course, gradually release payments for every milestone hit, using the Milestone Payments feature. This ensures that freelancers accomplish targets in a timely manner. However, it’s best to be upfront about your timelines to help your freelancer manage their responsibilities accordingly, in respect to your project.
  4. What resources do you have (or will you provide) to the freelancer for them to accomplish the project? Do you have studies or reports that the freelancer needs to review before starting on the project? What tools does the freelancer need to work on their tasks? It’s best to state this early on so the freelancer knows if they have access to particular information or technology, or if they are starting from scratch.
  5. How do you plan to evaluate success? This is closely tied with the questions you’ve asked before. Execution and timeliness may be good metrics in assessing your freelancer at the end of the project. You may also consider a freelancer’s good communication skills and innovativeness in approaching the problem when giving them good ratings.

Ready to begin? Post a project today

Oprettet 26 maj, 2016

Evan Tan

Freelancer.com's SE Asia Communications Director.

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